Friday, June 24, 2011

Wall painting


That means I have allot of time on my hands... What better to do than get creative and clean up the house at the same time?
So I decided to do some wall painting..
First! BOB Marley! For my brother in his room:

Then I wanted to paint a sakura branch in another room but it's in standby since a friend might come over and help :)

So then (about a week ago) I went to a room that we use for when we have friends over and stuff... and allot of junk piles up in there, and thought "this can not go on like this!". So I cleaned everything out and organized... that's hard for me XD
The walls were an old, dull pink color :S 16 years since it was last painted O.o
After 5kg of dust and spiders I spent 2 days painting them a nice WHITE! Why use any other's bound to look like crap.
Then, finally, the fun part! The mural!

Tell me what you think of it! And if you're on Youtube, PLEASE thumbs UP! =D

See ya

Jah guide!


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